
Based on your most recent experience, please rate your satisfaction for each of the following:
Very dissatisfied
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Customer Support
Information received about the upgrade
The update to your UTA-owned Windows device
Based on your most recent experience, please rate your experience for each of the following:
Below average
Backing up your device(s)
Dropping off your device(s)
Picking up your device(s)
Setting up your device(s)
How would you rate your overall experience with backing up your device and completing the pre-steps for the upgrade?
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the level of communication you received before, during, and after the update to your UTA-owned Windows device(s)?
Based on the communication you received throughout the project, how informed were you about what to expect and actions required by anyone with a UTA-owned Windows device(s)?
How helpful or unhelpful was the supporting documentation (step-by-step instructions, checklists, tips, etc.) used to prepare or set up your UTA-owned Windows device(s) before or after the update?
After receiving your UTA-owned Windows device from Wetsel Service Center (WET), how easy or difficult was it to set up your device(s)?
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the service you received when dropping off or picking up your device at the Westel Service Center (WET)?
Are you a faculty, staff, or student?
To help others with this process, how can we improve the overall experience with updating UTA-owned Windows device(s)?
As a reminder, our support teams are standing by to answer any questions, comments, or concerns you may have about the update to your UTA-owned Windows device(s). Please reach out to us by calling 817-272-2208, sending a chat, or submitting a self-service ticket. You can also visit the Windows Endpoint Management website for more information.
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